MTU settings

Nick Johnson (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:43:10 -0600 (CST)

I searched for information about this on the list archives and never
really found any conclusive information. I would like to set the MTU on
our Portmaster boxen to 552 for various reasons. I find, however, that
after setting the MTU on each port, doing a save all and reset all, the
default setting eventually reverts back to 1500 on all the ports (it
seems to happen as people dial in) and in no case is the MTU that I
selected ever used by a dialin user. I have also set the Framed-MTU in
the radius users file, and that doesn't help either.

All of our users connect with PPP+PAP from various platforms. Is there
any way to do what I'm trying to do?


Nick Johnson, writer of code, fixer of modems
Gulf Coast Internet Systems Engineering Team
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