Re: ComOS 3.5.1b11

Marty Likier (
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 14:38:19 -0800

At 09:29 PM 3/31/97 -0600, Beth Montes wrote:
>I upgraded to ComOS 3.5.1b11 today, to try to solve some
>dropped connection and slowness problems I've been seeing
>on dial-in connections. It seems to have had no effect on
>any of my problems.
>Has anyone else applied this upgrade yet, and has it had any
>positive effect for any of you who are having similar problems?
>I'd also be interested in hearing from someone at Livingston
>(MZ or Marty?) about exactly what the known problems with
>3.5.1b8 are, and what specific fixes 3.5.1b11 includes.

3.5.1b11 is not classified open beta yet. What ever release version makes
the next open beta or production, will include proper release notes which
detail enhancements, bug fixes, etc.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.