Re: Force POP3 mail on login?

Zak Wolfinger (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 08:47:33 -0500

Will this automatically start the transfer or just limit them to the pop
port? I need to find a way to actually initiate the transfer on login.


| >I saw a script for the portmasters/radius that will start a pop3
| >session automatically when a user logs in. But now I can't find it.
| >Any leads on this one?
| Add something like the following to your users file (or database):
| name Password = "password"
| User-Service = Login-User,
| Login-Host =,
| Login-Service = PortMaster,
| Login-TCP-Port = 110
| This should work. This will let you use Eudora w/o any PPP software for
| people that just want REALLY basic email capability.
| -Robert