Courier -vs- Sportster

Kevin Kadow (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 02:01:20 -0600 (CST)

> From: Mourat Jamoukhanov <>
> Subject: USR COURIERS v.everything
> Hi, I figure you know allot about USR couriers, I know you can get the
> inf. file from, just have to look around, but I was
> wondering, since you know about COURIERS v.everything, I am thinking of
> buying a 56k one my-self, they're going to out in a month, I want to

On the topic of Portmasters, Livingston will not support X2 (56K), but
eventually the ITU will bless a standard and the distinction will be moot.

> order one, but can tell me what are the differences you have to look at
> before buying when choosing between a USR Sportster and a USR courier, I
> know a courier v.everything comes without voice mail and is still much
> more expensive than a USR Sportster, why is that?

The Sportster is a 'consumer grade' modem. The Courier is 'business grade'.
Different assembly lines, different firmware, different quality. Couriers
have better noise filters and all use Flash memory for the CPU and DSP code,
for upgradability.

This isn't uncommon in modems (or other hardware). Motorola has the Lifestyle
and the Premier, etc.

>can you tell me before
> I end-up buying something I could of not bought and gotten something
> cheaper. SO can you tell me what I have to know about the USR courier
> when buying it and why should I pay so much for it when I can buy some
> other brand or the USR Sportster version.

It's like buying a Hyundai or a Lexus. Either will get you to the corner
store, but there's still a big market for the high quality product.