Re: Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we

DamienT (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 21:57:22 -0800

Bravo! Bravo!

(Unfortunately the folks upstream from us can only speak two phrases:
"static routes" or "BGP4" - thought for sure OSPF would be in there some

Nonetheless, I agree with Patrick. You want to hear from your customers,
and now you are. The frustration level would not be so high if you hadn't
been talking about OSPF for what...two years now...and then inflaming the
situation by boasting of its presence in the PM3.

At 11:11 AM 11/30/96 -0800, wrote:
>That's what beta programs are for. You have already had a beta program
>on OSPF, right? And what platforms were the beta programs on? The 2e/eR's
>and the PM-3, right?
>Personally, rather than sitting here bitching as our networks strains
>under the weight of a "historic" routing protocol, I just wish you would
>release the damn code so we could all get on to more productive things.
>Patrick Greenwell (510) 943-5769 voice
> Systems Administrator (510) 210-2000 modem
> Value Net, Inc. (510) 943-1708 fax