Re: PM3

Jason Marshall (
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 00:21:28 -0700 (MST)

> Yes. Busy-out can be accomplished manually or each DSP can make itself
> busy-out, if it fails an automatic self test. The auto self test is run at
> initial power up, and after the termination of every call.

Hi Marty, is the manual-busy going to be part of the DSP's function, or
part of the chassis's function? I'm asking because it's important that
lines get busied out especially if the DSP is so badly hooped (ie all the
blue smoke got let out) that it has ceased to recognize that it even

I'm assuming this is a function of the chassis, as something has to busy
out the lines when a modem card is yanked out.


| Jason Marshall, Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |