Re: On-going cost effectiveness of PM3?

Douglas R. Locke (
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 21:33:01 -0600 (CST)

If you have such a critical mission that a slip in deliver will impact
your objective, I feel that any intellegent responsible technically
aware person would chose to go with the existing technology.
Unfortunatly creating new products is not exactly like baking a cake,
it sometimes takes longer than the recipe calls for. As you correctly
point out my mission is not as critical and if I have to I will
simply add an additional PM2 and more POTS lines.

Like most others, I reserve the right to comment on any posting made to
a mailing list to which I subscribe. I trust that concept is not too
foreign to you. My sensitivity to your posting was because I have been
in the same spot as Livingston engineers with people pounding on them for
delivery dates. I was not defending anyone, I don't even know Joe.

Oh, my small business is doing quite well, thank you for asking. We just
upgraded to a FT-1 from a 56K and have 30 modems with 200+ users. We are
the high priced provider and have continued to grow in a market with
several services at 1/2 the price.

Have a good weekend.

On Sat, 23 Nov 1996, DamienT wrote:

> At 07:32 PM 11/23/96 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >When I have clients (potential clients) who try to box me into a corner
> >like you are attempting, I just tell them to go with the other guy
> >because they can obviously serve them better. As a Livingston user who
> >is happy to wait 1 or 2 or 3 months, I suggest you try Ascend.
> I have to disagree that I'm boxing anyone into a corner. If I was a
> client of your firm and you had a history of failing to deliver a product
> or a feature within the time frame you yourself had established, how
> could you feel you were being boxed into a corner by being asked for
> some guarantee that you would indeed live up to the standard you set
> for yourself?
> Delivering a product or service when you say you will is simply a
> fundamental business practice. Selecting the vendor who can best meet
> one's needs is also quite rational. I'm obviously aware Ascend can meet
> our company's needs right now, and I'm not bagging on Livingston for
> their current inability. The intent of my post was a last-ditch effort
> to NOT have to leave my preferred vendor (Livingston) and buy an Ascend
> product.
> Just because you are content to sit there and wait a few months for a
> future ComOS release, doesn't mean that's an option for the rest of us.
> If this company was like yours, with all services provided off one
> Unix box and a small SprintLink pipe (yes, I looked at your net), then
> maybe I wouldn't be so anxious. But we're in the middle of a large and
> expensive upgrade, and I can't go tell the directors of the corporation
> that we're simply going to have to call it off and freeze our growth for
> a few months while we wait for a company to write some code.
> While I like Livingston, and have purchased more than one of just
> about everything they currently manufacture, I happen to like my job
> even more and thus need to deliver a solution.
> So keep it up...steer customers away from Livingston (and your own
> company) when they as for an assurance that they'll (you'll) live up
> to their (your) promises.
> Lastly, Joe Sasek is a big boy and knows exactly what my post was about
> and doesn't need you to defend him. And I don't know why you're even
> responding to my message since being "content to wait..." for the
> channelized T-1 support implies that you've ordered a PM3...which I
> highly doubt.
> </end flame>
> Damien
> like my job

Douglas R. Locke
PCN, LP P.O. Box 404; Pampa, Texas 79066
CPA; Ex-Elec. Engr. 806-665-8501