Re: Strange modem problem
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 15:13:38 -0800 (PST)

I have the same setup PM2e with 30 usr sportster 28.8.

I am having the same problem with several client, It has been over a month,
I had several call to livingstone and currently have an open ticket with
them. my problem start when we upgrade to cmos 3.3.3 , livinstone telling me
that is modem issue but
my problem is as soon as I reset the port They connect just fine. also I
send out some of my usr for chip update and they were upgraded to 33.6 which
also added to the problem.
I don't think it is the telephone line . Two of my users order a new line
and one went
clear to the outside box and pull a line straight to his modem , we check
the noise level, hardly any. dial in no connection, I reset the port , bang
he is in.

I have not gotten to the bottom of this but as soon as I do , I will let you


>Hello everyone,
>I have a livingston PM2-ER with 7 USR Sportsters modems attached to it. The
>problem that I experience is the following. Every once in awhile (once a
>day lately) one of my modems, its doesn't follow any pattern, will hang. By
>hang I mean it will answer an incoming call but with windows95 the user will
>get the message back can't negotiate network protocol. I can always tell
>which one it is when I do a show s6 because the port will have a
>high number of Framing errors, usually around 2900. A simple reset s0 does
>the trick. I've tried a modem init string with S13=1 which is suppose to
>reset the modem when carrier is dropped without any luck. My current init
>string is at&f1&d2&b1&c1&n0&r2&h1m0s2=255s10=20s25=40s13=1&w0 which I found
>in the livingston portmaster achives as suggested by one user that says he
>hasn't had any problems with his USR and this init string. I live in an
>area that is know to have bad phone lines which could be the cause but I
>don't know. I also live in an area where I can only get a roll-over on my
>hunt group (GTE NORTH) so when I do get a problem my users keep getting the
>same modem everytime they dial in. Has anyone had a similiar experince with
>USR or other modems? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks much,
>Bill Ball
>Ball Communications - "The worlds smallest ISP"