RE: net: Bad wanted xxxx, got xxxx message (fwd)

William Sommers (
Tue, 19 Nov 96 06:50:34 PST

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 18:30:05 -0800 (PST) MegaZone wrote:

>> I left a telnet session up to one of our PM2-E20's running ComOs
>> 3.3.2 for a couple hours and when I returned I saw ALOOTTT of the
>> subject messages on the console. Can someone explain what these are
>> and what to do about them..

> The packet header said "I'm x size" but the packet was actually "y
> size". So something corrupted the data on the way to the PM.
> There may not be anything you can do.

The only reproducible conditions under which I've seen this is with PPP
customers running Apple's Open Transport TCP/IP, versions prior to 1.0.8,
and Eudora. When running 1.0.6, as soon as Eudora is fired up, the messages
appear. Once we got everybody running 1.0.8 or later, the frequency of
those messages here dropped from dozens/hundreds per day per PM to perhaps a
couple per month throughout the entire network.

The solution is obvious, but we still regularly run across customers with
just-purchased Macs whose System Software CDs were burned with OT 1.0.6,
though that bug-riddled version was replaced over a year ago.

William Sommers
San Francisco Online
Televolve, Inc.