Re: "Can't negotiate compatible protocol" errors...

John Storms (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 08:38:28 -0800

At 10:49 PM 11/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Check the "bring up termianl window after dialing" checkbox in the dialup
>connection properties and see what login prompt is sent. We found that 2
>of our modems were sending garbage as the login and our customers got the
>same message.

This is quite common, we see it quite a bit. You can avoid this garbadge,
affectionally known as a DTE speed mismatch, by using a modem table. See for all the
gory details.

>On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, mickey wrote:
>> Hello folks..
>> Have a problem which started occuring lately..people who log in using
>> win95 get the above message and their connection is never established.
>> It happens with other OS's and dialers as well but the other dialers
>> usually don't give much of an error message (not that MS does but
>> that's the most common OS these days). Anyway..I was wondering if
>> anyone has had it beofer or could shed some light on's
>> some base info...
>> our dynamic IPs are from one class C (, our pm's ether
>> addresses are on another ( or and the
>> reported addresses on the PMs are (static IPs on
>> among others). It happens on both dynamic and non-dynamic
>> IP customers and it doesn't always happen. I've seen some debug 0x51
>> logs and it seems that the remote machine isnt' replying to the PM's
>> configure reqeusts in time. Any ideas?
>> Thanks for the help,
>> please reply to
>> thanks again
>> mickeY

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