Heres another of my dumb ones...

Thomas Arnold (
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 17:17:45 -0500 (EST)

Okay... Dumb question time.
Have a POP on the end of a FrameDelay connection using a PM2ER10.
Want to plug a computer into it locally.
Netmask is using network
ether0 address is .33
assigned is .34
Gave the machine I'm connecting .62
The machine is a Win31 box running Trumpet WinSlug 2.1f with a packet
driver. Works if I lug it down here and plug it in to our hub. I built a
swapped 10baseT cable to plug it in the PM and I get Link Lights. I see
the traffic light on the EtherCard ( an eagle NE2000 card ) when ever I
try to either ping the PM from Win31 ( trumping ) or when I try and ping
.62 ( ) from the portmaster.

Any suggestions?

: Tom Arnold - No relation to Rosanne :
: SysAdmin/Pres - TBI, Ltd ( ) :
: The Middle Peninsula's Internet Connection :