Re: Dropped connections on downloads

Jon Lusky (
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 23:19:50 -0500 (EST) writes:
> Ah, it seems you have the cause and effect backwards: the PPP connection
> is dropped, and then the client complains that it can't see the socket
> any more.
> For '95 there is a (typically Microsoftish) bassackwards configuration
> you may need to do. On the connection, there is buried somewhere some
> sliders for 'FIFO Buffers'. Read the help on them... if you make them
> SMALLER, the connection is more stable.
> It seems to fix a lot of problems seen when moving large amounts of
> data. It's weird and backwards, But so is Microsoft.

I see this behaviour consistantly with internal USR Sportsters.
Crank the FIFO sliders all the way to the left and suddenly the dropped
connections are gone.

Jonathan R. Lusky		|  Voyager Online, LLC
Director of Network Operations	|  (423) 209-2929		|  Unlimited PPP $19.95/mo		|