Is local_ip documented somewhere?

Carl Oppedahl (
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 13:42:37 -0500

I had a problem last week, in which I was unable to set up a dialout from an
OR-LS (running PortMaster Version 3.4.2L) to establish a PPP session.
Problem is that the IP number which the OR applied to the serial port was
the ethernet IP address of the router ... and what I needed to be able to do
was let the OR apply to the serial port the IP number that the party at the
other end of the PPP connection was expecting.

The answer (thank you to Livingston tech support!) was to use "set location
foo local_ip x.y.z.a". The only thing about this is that "local_ip" appears
nowhere in the documentation for the OR, nowhere on the CD-ROM that came
with the OR, does not appear in the online help that one receives when
connected to the OR, and nowhere (so far as I can see) on the Livingston web
site or in the email discussion group archive.

So my question is, can someone direct me to a resource, authorized or
unauthorized, that tells me all of the undocumented commands of the router
software? I have to assume that at some future time, at 2AM when no one is
answering the phone at Livingston, some other problem will arise that is
solved by some command that is undocumented just as local_ip is undocumented.


Carl Oppedahl