Re: USR Total Control vs. PM 3 (fwd)

MIX System Operator (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 17:05:48 -0600

At 03:15 PM 11/11/96 -0500, Matthew S Crocker wrote:
>I didn't think PPP would even link up at anything under 9600 bps. I
>tell our customers the minimum we support is 9600 bps

It does, but mail tends to be a problem at times. I've watched a few and
had to manually reset the file locks while they pulled mail. Too many
messages and it slowed down, paused, and choked.

Qualcomm POP, BSDI, on a P133 w/64 and about 6 drives.

Those few that had 2400's were warned ahead of time and we offered 14.4's
for some of the them, just so I would not have to babysit thier POP
connection every few days.

Lock the ARQ on all modems and no more 2400's allowed with no complaints.

Jeff Mountin

MIX Communications
Serving the Internet since 1990

Sure my business card says "Senior Network Administrator"
They still make me do just about anything.