Re: Access to the net.

MIX System Operator (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 16:30:19 -0600

At 10:31 AM 11/11/96 -0800, John G. Thompson wrote:
>> AT&FM0Q2S2=255S13=1\r OK
>Hmm. I think this might be part of the problem. I'd suggest...
>add mod usr "USRobotics Sportster and Courier" 115200
>The &f1 is the hardware flow control template. The &c1&d2&k3 are normal CD
>mode, hangup on DTR drop and MNP5 error correction. These should be int
>he &f1 default, if they are you can remove them. The s0=1 is probably
>redundant, but what the heck. S2, you are disabling the +++ function,
>which is probably a good idea.

Sorry John, but &K3 *dis*ables MNP error correction. Preferrable to leave
it &K1 for their choice. Although when I dial out I suggest &K3, but Arnaud
here gave me some insight on when/why MNP may be better. To disable v.42bis
takes some S register settings.

The Q2 is fine for the display of result codes in originate mode only and I
have used this on all modems. Unless someday the PM wants to listen for
RING to be sent. 8-)

Jeff Mountin

MIX Communications
Serving the Internet since 1990

Sure my business card says "Senior Network Administrator"
They still make me do just about anything.