Re: Argh.. Vacation.Msg Mania!

Jacob Suter (
Sat, 9 Nov 1996 16:59:40 -0600

> From:

heh, AOL? Heheh MUHAHAH.... this is funny

> So are we to assume by "splattered" and "raping" you abused your
> connection/everyone's bandwith/the internet in general/and someones
> You even admit to sending a mailing back through the list...
Should some
> "splatter" and "rape" your system?

Hmm... You use AOL, how about I send the BULLSHIT I have recieved
from aol over the years? Didn't think you wanted to hear that. I
sent ONE message to the list, after I got 5 repeats of the same
message from the same person. Now, my sending that message kicked
back in my face, but how am I to know the folks at Zyxel are so
stupid they can't figure out how to make a list server work (but, I
should have suspected it - look at their modems).

> Half+ people on this list ran into this problem. But I assume most
of them
> handled it accordingly and just turned off their auto-responder

Well, I didn't do it back to the list.... I took care of the problem
my way, I made my comment on the point. If you got a problem with
it, try typing 'unsubscribe', or get a nice mail filter (will AOL let
you do that? Doubt it but anyways) and redirect messages from me to

Oh, sorry, forgot, AOL users don't know where /dev/null is. Well,
its that place where the sun doesn't shine.

Thank you, Drive through.

Jacob Suter