Re: Instant web creation

Steve Fogelson (
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 15:07:35 -0600

Have you checked out SUBMIT from Microrim, Inc. They also have a
database manager called R:WEB that generates HTML code from DB forms you
create. Check

Steve Fogelson wrote:
> Mike Taylor wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 7 Nov 1996 wrote:
> >
> > > I am looking for something that runs in Windows NT or Linux(preffered)
> > > that users can creat web pages on the fly without having to know anythin
> > > of HTML. Ask a few question, scan a few clipart and viola, web page is
> > > created. Anyone have an idea?
> > >
> > I use netscape 3.0 gold under linux. works great.
> > probably not the answer you were looking for tho.
> >
> > \\|// ^^^^^ )))(( %%%%% ,,,,,
> > (- -) (o o) (- o) (0-0) (* *)
> > +--ooO-(_)-Ooo--oo0-(_)-0oo--ooO-(_)-Ooo--oo0-(_)-0oo--ooO-(_)-Ooo--+
> > | Voice # 800-876-8797 |
> > | 541-776-3283 |
> > | Mike Taylor - Network Services Manager |
> > +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> No not what I was looking for, thanks though. What I needed was and HTML
> front end where it would ask them a few quiestion and get their web page
> up. Netcom has something like that and I need to stay competetive.