new win95 4.009.50B PAP broken ???

Saliya Wimalaratne (
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 19:10:37 +1100

Hi all,
after installing the "win95 with Internet Explorer" package on a
machine I found it would not do PAP authentication with the PM2e30 ???!!!

setting console and debug 0x51 shows no packets whatsoever...

using a dial-up script works fine though...

Wondering if this is another "feature" of Win95 and if so whether anyone has
found a solution to it ???


Saliya Wimalaratne * Mobile: +61 419 256 448
Systems Administrator * Fax: +61 48 711 629
Highlands Internet *
Goulburn Internet *
NSW Australia * Office: +61 48 722 094