Livingston prices

Jon Lewis (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 18:52:20 -0500 (EST)

I just got a request for a quote to hook up a lan to the net via ISDN.
Since our PM2ei can't do compression, it doesn't necessarily make sense to
buy an Ascend unit that can...and admining the OR would likely be easier
anyway (since we have a PM). Is there special ISP pricing on the OR-U?
We'd end up leasing it to the client. WHnet's price on the OR-U looks
pretty close to Livingston list price.

OR-U Office Router 1 ether 1 async 115.2k 1 ISDN BRI with NT1 $ 975

The pages at livingston say it will do:
On-demand, continuous connection, and manual/scheduled dialing

I assume On-demand here means that if a PC on the client net tries to
access the internet, the OR will connect to us if not already
connected?...and presumably disconnect after some idle period?
That feature might save a bundle in ISDN fees if it goes metered.

I assume we couldn't go on-demand from our end to them without dedicating
an ISDN channel on a particular PM to them.

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/hr.
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