Re: IRC - Hostname

Jacob Suter (
Sun, 3 Nov 1996 20:53:54 -0600

> Having only used IRC a couple times (just to be able to say I
> had) I am not entirely sure what they need. Apparently many IRC
> sites require that the client have a host name which is assigned
> by their ISP.
> Is this a function of the PM? I believe my DNS is correct for
> the domain these customers use ( to include reverse
> lookups.

Hmm... if you are using some kind of unix, try testing from an
outside DNS server (try with something like this:

> set q=ptr
(sets the questions to test the 'ptr' (reverse) record)
(the IP of one of your PM's IPs)

if this works, then its a problem with slow reaction of the DNS
server on the IRC server site (something I have found many times),
Also, if you set the DNS server in your portmaster, you should be
getting DOMAIN NAMES, not IPs when you do 'sh ses', etc etc.