Off topic: Seeking/offering used equipment (not livingston)

John Jamerson (
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 11:20:18 -0500 (EST)

Looking for some used equipment to outfit a couple of 56K DDS Point
to Point lines.

Anybody on the list got surplus stuff they wanta unload?

Additionally, I've got several used Fastcomm 56K Etherfrads to
sell/swap/trade. They're good for startup remote Frame Relay POP's.
Simple to use: 56K Frame in one end, Ethernet out the other.
Make an offer.

Replies directly to me, not the list, please.


John Jamerson | Internet Access
Systems Administrator/WAN Manager | In this business, yesterday is
CoastalNet/Global Information Exchange | history. The day before is | archaeology. "Me: 1995"