PMconsole for Windows Problem

Mark Steil (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 08:56:19 -0600

Hello All,

We recently have been having trouble with one of our PM2e-30's (Version =
3.1.4) refusing our attempt to connect via Pmconsole for Windows, I can =
Telnet into the Portmaster and everything is fine, and I issue a 'reset =
console' command and this does not seem to help the situation, the only =
way I have found, to date, to fix the problem is to reboot the =
portmaster and then the console will work normally for a few days and, =
boom, back to the same problem.. Anyone have any ideas as to what is =
wrong?? We have several other portmasters configured in a similar manor =
(only IP's are different) and this one is the only one giving this =
trouble. At the vary least is there any way to fix the problem without =
the reboot command?? (I don't like dumping everyone off for the reboot)


Mark Steil
System Administrator TRVNET.NET
Phone: 515-887-5900