Re: Sporadic DNS resolution problem w/PM

Leo Savage (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 09:55:44 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Nathan Mercer wrote:

> "me too" ;-)

me three.

> We have also noticed this, sometimes when doing a sh ses the users ip
> address shows, other times its their number. Currently we are only using
> static addresses.

I've seen that from time to time. It usually clears right up if I do
another sh ses and does not at this time appear to be related to any
other "problem" (it's hardly in the problem category).

> Sometimes netscape etc gives us problems when a user tries to go somewhere,
> a DNS error comes up, but after a few minutes of waiting, and a reload it
> goes away.

We get that a LOT. There are some users that pretty consistently get a
DNS failure when they start Netscape, but if they hit "OK" and "Reload"
it works fine. It'll start happening to someone out of the blue, then
happen consistently for a week or two, and then go away (aside from
happening sporadically to everyone). It generates quite a few tech
support calls, leading to stock speach #3, "Computers Are Not Completely

Beats me what's going on. I suspect it's a Netscape bug, tho. Mac and
MSIE customers get different problems. If it was a Portmaster problem
I'd expect it to happen to everyone.

    ("`-/")_.-'"``-._             Leo Savage
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