Re: Sporadic DNS resolution problem w/PM

Sean Rolinson (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 14:38:43 -0500 (EST)

We have had the exact same problems on both our customers DNS and doing sh sess's. I have
noticed that doing a 2nd sh sess usually performs the correct reverse lookup and not showing
the IP. We have both statically and dynamically addressed customers, and the problems is
evident in both cases. Fortunately, a 'reload' in netscape or second attempt usually is

For the record, we have one primary and two secondary servers. The three portmasters default
to the primary and only use one of the secondary servers. DNS is heavily used on our system
but our servers appear to be doing an adequate job of load balancing. And no other programs,
or equipment seems to be experiencing the same problem.

Thought I would jump on the bandwagon...


Sean Rolinson
Charm Net Staff

P.s. We are quite happy with our Portmasters in general and have received pretty good tech
support when needed.

> I have a problem with sporadic DNS failures for users
> logged into my PM2e's that I haven't been able to track down.
> User's DNS server entries point to our BSDI box (actually a secondary,
> CIC maintains the primary). Mostly they work great. However, at any
> given point in time there is usually at least one user who stops
> getting DNS resolution. When doing a 'show sessions' from the PM
> most users Host/Inet/Dest entry shows their dynamically assigned
> IP instead of doing a reverse DNS lookup and getting the name associated
> with that entry (such as dial-ip-1, etc). This is just a symptom of
> the real problem because that user at that time cannot not perform
> DNS resolution, making their connection pretty useless.
> This problem starts and stops spontaneously. No actions taken by
> us or the user seem to affect the course of a given 'incident',
> including having the user reconnect. Sometimes it just last minutes,
> sometimes longer.
> Problem has NEVER occurred on the console or PCs directly connected
> to our in house ethernet.
> Anyone have any ideas? Livingston has not been either responsive or
> helpful.
> Janet Rogers
> InfoRamp, Inc.