Re: Cardinal 28.8

Charles Scott (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 00:42:24 -0500 (EST)

Here's what I have in my modem notes file.

Cardinal MVP288XF
1. Connect modem and set communications program to desired speed.
2. Reset the modem to factory settings.
3. Enable auto-answer on first ring
AT S0=1
4. Reset modem when DTR drops
AT &D3
5. Set DSR to be ITU-T compliant
AT &S1
6. Turn off echo and response codes
AT E0 Q1
7. Use profile 0 on reset
AT &Y0
8. Save as profile 0
AT &W0

Note: To restore profile 0 remotely use "ATZ0"

Chuck Scott

On Tue, 28 Nov 1995, CygNet Support wrote:

> Hi all
> Does anyone have a init string for the Cardinal 28.8 modem.
> Eugene Grant
> CygNet Internet Services
> _\\|//_
> > (-0-0-)
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo----
> "Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of
> nothing"!!!!