Re: my pm(s) problems.. :)

Greg Merrell (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 17:44:13 -0800 (PST)

Christian Nielsen <> wrote:
>hi everyone....
>I got my T-shirt in the mail today, have you gotten yours..

Yup, just got mine over the weekend. Not bad.

[ Can't help on the remote PM connection problem, so hopping right along... ]

>on the next subject,
>I have a class C address that I would really like to break down.
>I have broken it down into
>206.29.220.x Netmask
>x.x.x.0 x.x.x.63 Broadcast 63
>x.x.x.64 x.x.x.127 Broadcast 127
>x.x.x.128 x.x.x.191 Broadcast 191
>x.x.x.192 x.x.x.255 etc..
>ok, I would now like to use the first sub-net a one remote site, the
>second at another and so on.
>I have broken down another Class C to get a 252 subnet. (wow, would the
>internic love me..) This allows me to assign all my Frame-Relay ports etc
>with these IP's
>now, everytime that I try to set up the following, my routing goes wild.
>I would just like to know, how does one do it. I have tried as much as I
>know, and everytime, routing goes wild.

I've seen that the PMs remember what netmask is in effect for each added route.
So here's my suggestion on how to clean it up:

1) Remove ALL routes from the table that are in the affected Class-C networks.
2) Add the appropriate netmasks.
3) Add the routes back in for the appropriate subnets.

So if you have some routes in for the .0, .64, .128, and .192 subnets, remove
them. Then add the netmask and then add the routes back in. Even though you
can't see the associated netmask in the show routes listing, they seem to be
hidden in there.

You'll only be able to delete the routes when you have the netmask set the same
as when the routes were added, too. So if you have a route in there, add (ie
change) the netmask, and then try to delete the route, it won't find it! Cute,


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