Re: Assigning IP addresses (fwd)

Dana Huggard (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 08:26:50 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 28 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> Once upon a time Omar A. Vega shaped the electrons to say...
> > Is is at all possible to assign an IP address to a port? I am
> Only if it is hardwired, can't do it for dialin or dialout.

You can get the effect if you create the IP as a Location, then set the
location to a dial-group.. and have the dial-group on one port only.. This will
only work on a Continous location.. If that helps any..

Dana Huggard
TVI Interactive Systems Inc.
Burnaby, BC. Canada