Re: printing problem

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 00:28:55 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time eric jones shaped the electrons to say...
>I believe this is because of the hardware flow control.

Highly doubtfull. Hardware flow control couldn't care one whit what the
data actually is. It is out of band signalling.

>Is there a way to set a port as both xon/xoff for dial up and harware for


>As I understand it ppp only works with hardware flow.

Not absolutely true, but XON/XOFF is risky. And it can't cope with the
high speeds of modern modems liek RTS/CTS can.

>Could the "problem" be the softwrare and not hardware?

Probably, back in college we had a prof who wanted to print from PINE locally
on his PC, on the ethernet. He was running PINE on the schools main server.

It took our top support people a week to get the damn thing to work, and
in the end one of the whiz kids rewrote some code.

It just didn't like printing on his PC.


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