Re: rlogins Help still

Grady Trew (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 15:39:35 -0600

> > I recently was speaking to Livingston support and they said that
> > pmconsole does not work on Solaris 2.4 In fact they are still
> > starting to Beta-test the software for this OS.
> > They suggested I use solaris 2.3 as it works well with this.
> > If you access their ftp site at check
> > the README file in the /pub/livingston/ directory and it
> > states "Do not use pminstall on Solaris 2.4"
> Not true. We run Solaris 2.4 and use pmconsole running three simultaneous
> sessions monitoring three portmasters. Works fine.
> Hal
> Hal Dorsman email:
> Systems Administrator phone: (406)721-4952
> Internet Connect Services, 2701 North Reserve Missoula, Montana, 59801 USA

I had a problem some months ago and they would not support Solaris 2.4. They reason I was given for this is that they didn't have a machine running 2.4, they were running 2.3.

I have not run pminstall under 2.4, but do have the same experiences as Hal and have had no problems.

Good to see you're still alive Hal!


Grady Trew, Jr.
Internet Connect Services, Inc.
202 W. Goodwin (512) 572-9987
Victoria, Texas USA 77901 fax (512) 572-8193