Re: rlogins Help still

duncan vella (malta!dvella@Greece.Sun.COM)
Mon, 27 Nov 95 19:27:45 +0100

>From: Christian Nielsen <>
>Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 10:06:34 -0700 (MST)
>Subject: Re: rlogins Help still
>What a night. I have been trying to get shell accounts working via the
>pm2er that we have at a remote site as most of you know if you have been
>following the list.
>I want to thank Tim and Rodney for their help also but it still does not
>work. How come it can work fine on one machine but not on another, ie
>remote pops. We have done everything, except the rain dance but just
>wait.. :)
>So if anyone can offer some help out there, that would be great. Maybe it
>has to do with our Unix Os? We are running Solaris 2.4, maybe it has to
>do with how we set up our PM, I don't know, as I even put the FAQ up, and
>followed what it said, so much for the FAQ..
>If anyone can offer help, that would be great... Livingston, are you
>there also..
>Christian Nielsen,CN46,KB7HAP
>Vyzynz International Inc.
>Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 PS :)
I recently was speaking to Livingston support and they said that
pmconsole does not work on Solaris 2.4 In fact they are still
starting to Beta-test the software for this OS.
They suggested I use solaris 2.3 as it works well with this.
If you access their ftp site at check
the README file in the /pub/livingston/ directory and it
states "Do not use pminstall on Solaris 2.4"

Duncan malta!