PPP is still not working...

Henrik Wann Jensen (hwj@lin1.gk.dtu.dk)
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:58:11 +0100 (GMT+0100)

PPP is still not working :-(

I have installed the radiusd-daemon and it works with rlogin (shell login).

PPP is unfortunately still not working. I have created a ppp-user as
described earlier in this discussion:

ppp2 Password = test
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-Address =,
Framed-Netmask =,
Framed-Routing = None,
Framed-Compression = None,
Framed-Filter-Id = "std.ppp.in",
Framed-MTU = 1500

I have configured the port s3 (to which I am dialing) with the commands

> set s3 speed 1 57600
> set s3 login network dialin
> set s3 rts/cts on
> set s3 xon/xoff off
> set s3 modem on
> save s3
> reset s3

The result of show s3 is:

----------------------- Current Status - Port S3 ---------------------------
Status: IDLE
Input: 7304 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 8722 Framing Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Login/Netwrk Login/Netwrk (Dial In) (Security)
Baud Rates: 57600 57600,9600,9600
Parity: none none
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: on on

Terminal Type:
Dial Group: 0


The result of show global is:

System Name: pm1
Default Host:
Alternate Hosts:
IP Gateway:
Gateway Metric: 1
Default Route: Quiet (Off)
Name Service: DNS
Name Server:
Domain: image.dk
Telnet Access Port: 23
Assigned Address:
RADIUS Server:
Alternate Server:
Accounting Server:
Alt. Acct. Server:


My ppp script (under Linux) looks as follows:

/usr/lib/ppp/pppd -d connect \
'/usr/lib/ppp/chat -v "" atz OK atdt2 CONNECT "" ogin: ppp2 word: test' \
/dev/cua0 38400 -detach\
debug crtscts modem defaultroute


The chat-section succeeds but the pppd-daemon says:

pppd: Timeout sending Config-Requests

In the /usr/adm/termlog (from syslogd) I get:

Nov 27 13:35:02 portmaster1.image.dk dialnet: port S3 ppp2 succeeded dest
Nov 27 13:36:03 portmaster1.image.dk dialnet: port S3 ppp_sync failed dest

The problems are the same under Trumpet Winsock...

I have tried all kinds of routing 'on,off,broadcast'...

It seems to me that the portmaster is also sending confiq-requests to
my ppp-client?

What can go wrong?

Any hints, ideas, suggestions will be strongly appreciated...

- Henrik