Re: PPP...

Henrik Wann Jensen (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 20:54:53 +0100 (GMT+0100)

On Sat, 25 Nov 1995, Dan Graupman wrote:

> I have my ports set up as "login network dialin", seems to work fine
> for ppp.

I have tried that and it still doesn't work :-( I cannot get a
ppp-connection to the PM.

I have created the ppp-user with the following commands:

add netuser ppp
set netuser ppp password test
set netuser ppp protocol ppp
set netuser ppp routing on
set netuser ppp address (I have also tried a fixed ip-adr.)

When I dial the PM and login as ppp with password test. I get a connection
and I receive something that looks like ppp-packages. However my
ppp-client keeps sending config-requests to the PM and it replies
with a config-acknowledge and nothing more???

Do I need to configure ppp on the PM with some extra special commands???

My ppp-clients can connect to other ppp-servers without any problems...

Any hints would be strongly appreciated.

- Henrik