Re: Multitech

Jonny Hinojosa (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 01:23:01 -0600

At 10:09 PM 11/25/95 -0800, you wrote:
> We haven't relied on radacct, that's why I asked if it was syslog vs
> radacct.
> Have the stop records never shown up? or maybe the portmaster is rebooting??
> radacct entries are cashed on the portmaster until they can be sent, if
> they can't be sent they pile up until the memory fills up, and then the
> portmaster hangs.

No indication of a reboot, the assumption is that the other 25 people on the
portmaster would have their connections terminated also. The dropped STOP
records are occasional (1 in 200 get dropped) but since we charge for time
over XX hours per month, this is a little trouble-some.

> if you are only using one server for accounting you might try adding a
> seccond, see if the extra respons time resolves the problem.

time to transfer the acct records is always zero (as shown in the detail file).

> Other than that nothing too spacific. It was said that radacct wouldn't
> suffer from the same problem as in counterd syslog, but one would think
> it might, all though the reporting method to the server is very different
> indeed.
> Jim McKenzie
>> radacct, and I have verified that connections of 1+ hours have terminated
>> with no STOP record.
>> At 09:56 PM 11/25/95 -0800, you wrote:
>> >
>> > In syslog or radacct?
>> >
>> > If you reffer to syslog, you will get a start when someone connects
>> > hands off there user id and pass, and then emedialty drop, basicly no
>> > connection to speek of once authentication was compelete.
>> >
>> > Jim McKenzie
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >> We have been using PM2Es and MT2834MRs for about six months with no
>> >> to speak of. We are very pleased with the overall performance and
>> >> reliability of both products.
>> >> (We would like to see an answer to the "START but no STOP record"
>> >>
>> >> At 12:17 AM 11/26/95 -0500, you wrote:
>> >> >I've been watching the list for a month or two and have been
impressed with
>> >> >the quality of it. I have been trying to get a livingston for testing
>> >> >for about a month, but the bosses have been a little reluctant to splurge
>> >> >for the testing. On a turn of events, We *may* actually be getting 2
>> >> >as a swap with our supplier. I've got a few questions.
>> >> >Since I have not had the chance to study Radius in depth, my biggest
>> question
>> >> >is the ease of adding users to my system. Do I need to add a user in
>> >> >multiple places each time? How is the respinse time on a use
>> >> >for, say, 700 users? Our present system slows exponentially as more
>> >> >are added.
>> >> >
>> >> >Is there anyone out there with Multitech 2834BR and or 2834MR modems?
>> >> >If so, I would appreciate hearing from you ASAP.
>> >> >
>> >> >Thank you in advance for your time.
>> >> >
>> >> >..erik
>> >> >
>> >> >Erik Denny
>> >> >St. Lawrence Internet Connection
>> >> >
>> >> >(315) 328-4900

Jonny Hinojosa
DigiPhone Corporation