Re: Multitech

Jonny Hinojosa (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 01:04:55 -0600

radacct, and I have verified that connections of 1+ hours have terminated
with no STOP record.

At 09:56 PM 11/25/95 -0800, you wrote:
> In syslog or radacct?
> If you reffer to syslog, you will get a start when someone connects
> hands off there user id and pass, and then emedialty drop, basicly no
> connection to speek of once authentication was compelete.
> Jim McKenzie
>> We have been using PM2Es and MT2834MRs for about six months with no problems
>> to speak of. We are very pleased with the overall performance and
>> reliability of both products.
>> (We would like to see an answer to the "START but no STOP record" problem).
>> At 12:17 AM 11/26/95 -0500, you wrote:
>> >I've been watching the list for a month or two and have been impressed with
>> >the quality of it. I have been trying to get a livingston for testing
>> >for about a month, but the bosses have been a little reluctant to splurge
>> >for the testing. On a turn of events, We *may* actually be getting 2 units
>> >as a swap with our supplier. I've got a few questions.
>> >Since I have not had the chance to study Radius in depth, my biggest
>> >is the ease of adding users to my system. Do I need to add a user in
>> >multiple places each time? How is the respinse time on a use
>> >for, say, 700 users? Our present system slows exponentially as more users
>> >are added.
>> >
>> >Is there anyone out there with Multitech 2834BR and or 2834MR modems?
>> >If so, I would appreciate hearing from you ASAP.
>> >
>> >Thank you in advance for your time.
>> >
>> >..erik
>> >
>> >Erik Denny
>> >St. Lawrence Internet Connection
>> >
>> >(315) 328-4900
>> >
>> >
>> Jonny Hinojosa
>> DigiPhone Corporation

Jonny Hinojosa
DigiPhone Corporation