Re: Modem Power Supplies

Tom Clark (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 01:29:36 -0900

(With apologies to Jon Green -- I know what you mean. I didn't check my
email for almost two days -- Yikes, what a shocker.)

The problem is really that there are modems out there (like my Bocas) that
do funny things with the incoming AC, rather than simply putting it through
a full wave rectifier, and then doing all their funny things afterward. This
is a statement to you manufacturers: get with it.
Until manufacturers Get A Grip, future Portmaster owner modem buyers (there's
the thread Jon. Pretty thin, huh? :) )would do well to purchase USR modems,
or modems that have been demonstrated to work well from a common supply, with
minimal futzing. Or get used to having a ____load of adapters floating around.

Shutting up,


** Tom Clark
** MosquitoNet(R), PO Box 81134, Fairbanks Alaska 99078
** (907)458-SURF (voice and fax)
** (temporary)