Re: Urgent Please Help

Robert Hanson (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 00:43:21 -0800 (PST)

incredible.....!!! this is some truly useful information! clap clap......
i hope i never have to use it though...

i think many must be on vacation or hiding....

--- ---
Robert H. Hanson LAN/WAN Consultant - Internet Service Provider
Otis Orchards, Wa. Cutting Edge Communications
(509) 927-9541 finger: or email:

On Sat, 25 Nov 1995, Dave Andersen wrote:

> Lo and behold, Brad once said:
> > then hooked to S0 and flipped dipswitch 1 up and powered off. When she came
> > back up she gave a checksum error and started spewing out the line.
> >
> > Sending RARP request for 0:c0:5:1:26:51 over and over and over again.
> >
> > When one pressed return or esc. It only gives a > prompt.
> > How can I get an OS back on. How can I get an IP and restore my config.
> > I am EXETREMELY desperate.
> Oooh, I can sympathize here. :) What you'll need to do is get a
> server which is capable of running tftp. FTP to and
> grab one of the GENERIC kernels from them, and and put it on your tftp
> server as
> /tftpboot/GENERIC.PM2
> Then add a route for your portmaster's hadware interface by:
> rarp -s 0:c0:5:1:26:51
> This will enable your portmaster to net boot off of your tftp server.
> (Be sure it's world readable, yada, yada, yada).
> Your portmaster will then boot. Sort of. It'll boot with a generic
> kernel that sucks rocks and you won't really be able to use it, nor will
> you be able to upgrade it. You'll need to reset the flash in it by
> telnetting to it, logging on as !root, and typing
> set reg 0xFFF 0xF63
> (This will completely wipe the flash ram of your portmaster, _including
> the configuration_. You did use pmreadconf to backup your configuration,
> didn't you? :)
> You now have a basically virgin portmaster.. upgrade it back to the comOS
> you want and you should be okay. Feel free to talk if you
> get this while I'm still around, and good luck.
> -Dave Andersen
> --
> Complete virtual hosting and business-oriented
> system administration Internet services. (WWW, FTP, email)
> "She totally confused all the passing piranhas"