Re: Modem power supplies

Jon Green - User Support (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 22:38:38 -0600

>>(Model #7048) They're about 8 inches by 11 inches. 4 outlets on one side
>>and 2 on the other side with extra space in between. They run about $14 I
>>think. They even have holes on the bottom for, presumably, mounting on
>>the wall. Of course, we'll be using them to mount them on a shelf on our
>we buy the $3.99 ones and they can fit four power supplys on them. Plus
>they too have mounting holes on the back...

Just one question.. Why is this on portmaster-users? It seems like lately
this list has become a general discussion area for ISP issues. I'm sure
all of us get more than our fair share of email every day. Let's try to
keep the list on topic, folks.. Thanks.


* Jon Green * GIT d- s+:+ a-- C++$ ULO++++$ P+ L++ E W+(--) *
* * N++ K w(--) O- M-- V+++$(--) PS PE++ Y+ PGP+ *
* INS User Support * t+ 5 X(+) R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++ G+ e+ h r++ y+ *