Re: error downloading images with Netscape??

Christian Nielsen (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 18:26:25 -0700 (MST)

Just to let everyone know, we had soooooo many problems with TCP Man in
the begining. We would get call after call after call, how do I do this,
what is this, why is it not working, what is an init string, my modem is
2400 baud :).

After many long nights, going to peoples houses, we said, enough is
enough, we are no longer going to give them disks with all the goodies.
(except for mac) We found that the Netscape Personal Edition was the
best, gave them thier Netscape browser and Eudora Light and a very very
nice dialer, plus even knows that they have that 2400 baud that came with
the computer :)

Now, people get hooked up to the net in less than 10 min, enough time to
load the software and answer a few basic questions. You can't beat that.
Now, the only time these people call us is when that portmaster hicups or
something, something that is not their fault.

So, if you want to save yourselves money, because time is money, go with
the Netscape stuff.. Or even Windows 95 is good. Just get away from that
shareware trumpet winsock. It might of been tough for you and you know
what you are doing......

have fun... TCP MAN to the end..

Christian Nielsen,CN46,KB7HAP

Vyzynz International Inc.
Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 PS :)