Re: error downloading images with Netscape??

Javier Iglesias (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 20:18:48 -0500

> > Everything seems to work fine for him, except that when he goes to pages
> > brand! :)) but he tried ws_ftp, and it works fine.. even eudora.. so why
> > netscape??
> We have found some wierd problems with Trumpet Winsock/ TCP Man
> Have them set the MTU
> 1006 28.8k
> 503 14.4K
> 256 9600 Baud

I have the mtu for all my users at 576 (they are all PPP accounts), the
extrange thing is that if he loads the pages without images, everything
is fine, it is just the images in Netscape that gives him problems.. (he
is using netscape 1.22)

> also, make sure that you have reverse dns working.

seems to be working fine.. all the other users don't have any problems..

Javier Iglesias
Internet Tidal Wave
(610) 770-6187
