Re: Modem power supplies

Sean and Sonja's list box (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 09:49:56 -0800 (PST)

Well, we're not having custom strips built but we've found a power strip
where we can actually use ALL of the outlets on it. We've been picking
them up at Home Depot though I've seen them at Ernst.

The brand is Woods and they're called "Transformer 6-Outlet Power Strip."
(Model #7048) They're about 8 inches by 11 inches. 4 outlets on one side
and 2 on the other side with extra space in between. They run about $14 I
think. They even have holes on the bottom for, presumably, mounting on
the wall. Of course, we'll be using them to mount them on a shelf on our

I'm not going to do an ascii model, but I might scan the picture on the
box and put it on my web page if there is interest. (And if the rest of
the day is as slow as it has been so far.)

Sonja Jo Krenz-Bush ServNet/Abstract Software
``Just another one of the flock following the herd.''