a dead port...

Sentex Portmaster Admin (mike@sentex.net)
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 00:38:10 -0500

We just got a new PM-2 30port box (Our third one), and I have a few
questions (some I have been meaning to ask for a while)

a) It has a different OS than the others... 3.1.4 vs the 3.1.2. What is new
in this version. I did not see anything on the home page, nor was there a
"whats new" thing in the manual... Also, does the modem table work with the
old version of the OS? What exactly happens when you do a reset with a port
being assigned to a particular modem? Does it actually send the init string
that is programmed in, or does it just cycle the TR light?

b) We have found that one of the ports is kinda flakey. The modem TR light
refuses to come on. However, the same modem and same cable work fine on
another port. I guess we will have to get it exchanged no? But this leads
me to a question I hope I wont have to ask in real life... Right now we have
90 ports.. If one box goes down, thats 1/3rd of our lines... This would be a
disaster. Typically, how long is turn around time on repairs... What have
people done in such disasters in the past?

c)In the last few weeks, we have also noticed that one one of the boxes,
users report periodic lockups that can last up to 20 seconds.... There are
no mentions in the logs about it, and when we reset the PM, the problem
seems to go away, only to come back a few days later. Is it possible that
the OS is somehow corrupted? I have backed up the settings via PMConsole
for Windows, but I am worried that the program does not backup
everything.... For example, the undocumented tables such as the netmask
table... Does it back it up?



Mike Tancsa (mike@sentex.net)
Sentex Communications Corp
Cambridge, Ont. Canada