Re: question about restricting simultaneous sessions

Leo Savage (
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:51:58 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Stephane Volet wrote:

> I would like to know if there is a quick way to restrict simultaneous login
> sessions for selected Users while leaving others unrestricted.

Merit RADIUS will do that, I think. ESVAnet RADIUS will also do that.
I'm sure William Bulley will be along in a minute to give you the URL for
Merit RADIUS <grin>. The ESVAnet RADIUS is at:

> The reason I ask is that we are a small ISP (in Quebec, Canada) with two
> types of accounts, the traditional xx$ for xx hours and a "all-you-can-eat"
> flat fee with a twist: when all the lines are busy sessions are restricted
> to 30 minutes. (Being in a remote area with a limited market, we had to
> find a compromise!)

Er, that would appear to be a totally different problem. I don't see how
that relates to simultaneous sessions. You need something to
retroactively limit session times based on system load. We do something
like that (in a highly specialized way) here. A cron job runs every five
minutes and checks line usage by peeking at the termlog; if we're running
out of lines, employees get bumped off to make room for paying customers.

    ("`-/")_.-'"``-._             Leo Savage
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