Re: SYNC or ASYNC this is the question
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 14:20:15 +0300 (MMT)

> > Hi -
> > I'm also interested in sync mode for PPP.
> > BTW, has anyone experience using all the ports at 115.200?
> > I think (115.200*29)+10.000.000=13.340.800 too much for i386 at 40MHz, no?
> Your assuming an i386/40Mhz in a standard PC environment. The ports on
> the PM2's are highly customized for a terminal server application. Not
> to mention, the chances of you *ACTUALLY* transmitting 115.2k per second
> on each and every port simultaneously are slim to none.
> -- Rob

Hi Rob,

thanks a lot for info...


Edgar Der-Danieliantz USENIX, ISOC, ACM
Bolores el hieng, mek mekeech shut, mek mekeech kech... E.D.-D.