Re: DNS file on Linux

Dan Graupman (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 22:21:12 UNDEFINED

In article (Dick Strickland) writes:

>On Thu, 9 Nov 1995 11:57:04 -0500 (Someone Else)you wrote:

>>I have a customer just setting up a POP site with PM2er and an IRX. All
>>setup looks good, we can get a PPP connection with Netscape, but it will
>>just hang there and comes back with a message that "Server does not have DNS
>>entry". I am told there are 2 files that have the DNS tables that need to
>>be updated with the new configuration. Any Linux gurus out there know the
>>names of the files in Linux? Thanks

>I don't qualify as Linux guru but am learnig.. The files you need to look at
>should be
>in the directory /etc/namedb you'll find files listed named.local
>and named.rev these should be the files you need to add the appropriate
>entries in. You will also need to increment the serial number in your file by
>each time you make a change. This tells the secondary dns service you have
>changed the tables and it will also update when it polls your server.

>Hope this helps

Then again on my systems I call them db.domain and db.address, and I have them
in "/usr/local/adm/named", there are no set in stone rules reguarding the
naming of these files.

What you need to do is look in the named.boot file, which on my system is in

--------------------------------begin named.boot-----------------------
directory /usr/local/adm/named
primary db.domain
primary 333.222.111.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.111.222.333
primary 0,0,127.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.127.0.0
cache . db.cache
--------------------------------end named.boot---------------------------

In the above example the files you are looking for are

Hope this helps,
