Hacking Radiusd?

Michael Farralon (mfar@multiweb.evolution.com)
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 20:07:37 -0500 (EST)

Hi. I've just gotten a consulting gig for a business in Atlanta which
is starting up an ISP. I've been playing around with the radiusd source
for a few days so I can set try and set things up the way my client wants

Bascially, I'd like to modify the source so that if a PPP or SLIP user
wants to fall back to shell mode, they can precede their username with a
'!' character which would cause radiusd to authenticate them in the usual
manner (all accounts will be set to Password = UNIX), but instead of
starting up the type of connection specified in the raddb/users file,
would instead return:

User-Service-Type = Login-User,
Login-Service = Rlogin

which presumably would cause the portmaster to initiate an rlogin
connection to the default host.

I already have the SCP code, which requires you to create Suser, Cuser
and Puser entries in the raddb file, and which my boss wants to avoid doing.

If anyone can shed any light on this problem, I'd appreciate it greatly.


PS: I you post a response to the list, please cc: it me just so I don't
miss it. Thanks.