Re: has anybody ever seen this?

Patrick Greenwell (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 08:44:54 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Robert Shady wrote:

> > On Sat, 18 Nov 1995 wrote:
> >
> > > Hey there everybody! Every now and again (pretty rarely), I'll see a line
> > > in the 'show sessions' that looks like this:
> > >
> > > S10 ATS0?S2?S3?S4?S - Log/Net In USERNAME 0 0
> >
> > Well, the first one certainly looks like someone may have been attempting
> > to put your modem in a command state and then query the registers. I
> > assume you have a security feature on your modem or have changed the
> > attention signal from +++, so this shouldn't be very sucessful.
> I'd be more willing to bet that the user on the other side doesn't realize
> that they're connected, and their software tried sending the modem init
> strings. I've seen it happen several times.
> -- Rob
> ===

Except that the ?'s would represent register queries rather than init

Patrick Greenwell (510) 943-5769 voice
System Administrator (510) 210-2000 modem
Value Net, Inc. (510) 943-1708 fax