Re: oops

Jason Marshall (
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 15:41:34 -0700 (MST)

> well, I did this several times, but the latest update is when I switch that
> modem and another which I know is good, the bad modem is still bad, but the
> good modem goes bad I'm thinking there's something going on with the
> portmaster thats strange, but unfortunatly, I have no idea what.

Verify that the ports on the portmaster are set to speed N. Connect your
bad modem up to a PC, and set the comm speed to speed N. Type AT, and
see what you get. The Courier (you did say these were Courier's, right?)
should match whatever speed you have the DTE set to (up to 115200,

Issue the AT command to lock the modem's serial port at DTE speed (AT&b1?
It's in the manual.) and then connect it back to the portmaster, and
'reset' that port.

If you don't mind the possibility that your PM may reset, you could also
attach to the port with the bad modem on it, and do the same kind of
thing via the portmaster instead of a PC.

| Jason Marshall, Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |