Re: sending <break> to a port configured as a host device

Jon Lusky (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 21:40:00 -0600 (CST)

Dorab Patel writes:
> We have a Portmaster2e set up as a console server. Each port is
> connected to the console (ttya) port of a Sun SS-20 via null modem
> cables. Each port is configured as a host device on the Portmaster,
> with a login service and login device of "telnet". This allows me to
> telnet to any console from any machine on our ethernet. All this
> seems to work.
> However, I can't seem to be able to send a <break> to the Sun console
> port from the telnet session in order to get at the eeprom monitor on
> the Sun. Sending a telnet break command does not seem to have any
> effect.

^] (telent escape char), then send brk works for me i believe...
my problem is getting breaks when i DON'T want them. If I reboot or
powercycle the PM2 that I had an SS2 plugged into, it would knock it
out to a monitor prompt.

Jonathan R. Lusky       |   |
Edge Internet Services  |  (615) 726-8700