Re: ISPs - What modems are you having the best luck with PMs

Patrick Greenwell (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 11:20:21 -0800 (PST)

> We've been working with 1 manufacturer for 6 months while trying to
> debug _their_ modems. We were never told we were beta testers.
> And they kept blaming our equipment (The portmasters for instance).
> In the end we spent 2 full days debugging them, and found out internal
> signal problems made all their uneven rackpositions flaky.
> We should have sent a bill for consultancy. I really wouldnt enjoy
> going through this again with USR, a brand which for me stands for
> stability. You damn well pay for it.
> Cor

Oh you probably didn't know that you have to place the modems higher than
your frame-relay circuit in order for the bits to flow DOWN the pipe,
right? Sorry, I couldn't resist.....

Patrick Greenwell (510) 943-5769 voice
System Administrator (510) 210-2000 modem
Value Net, Inc. (510) 943-1708 fax