Re: PM2eR WAN problems...still.

JORSM-Internet (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 09:53:06 -0600 (CST)

We had Adtran send us an upgraded TSU (was version 4.something,
now I have 7.000.202 Rev H). This is much better, although I still
get occaisonal CRC errors. I had lock up problems before with the
older rev TSU and COMOS 3.1.2. With both upgraded, the WAN port
hasn't locked up since. I'm still watching closely.

Something else to consider, is that the telco came out to repair a
bad voice line and the lineman said that he saw some crap on all the
wires on the cable (T1 runs on same). It started happening right
when we got dumped-on with lots of wind and rain. If a cable jacket gets
pierced and allows water to enter, you can get cross-talk especially ring
voltage "bleed" (for lack of a better term) which can cause the CRC errs
and if serious enough, frame errs.

Granted the equipment should be able to handle CRC and frame errors, which
the rev upgrades do *appear* to help with.

Jeff Lynch JORSM Internet
mailbot: Northwest Indiana's Full-Service Provider

On Wed, 15 Nov 1995 wrote:

> >I received a replacement PM2eR to fix the broken WAN port
> >issue some time ago
> [deleted]
> >So, the question is, does the PM2eR WAN port really work
> >yet? I'm about to ask for free IRX-111s from Livingston to provide
> >the functionality that the 2eRs are supposed to give.
> Was that a problem with a T-1 port and an Adtrans TSU? That was my
> combination, and kept getting CRC errors on the WAN port. I believe it took
> four times before we got a Portmaster that worked. No problems with the
> current incarnation.